Besides balmy sunsets and soothing percussion to help you sleep--the sound of rain to me is like massaging warm oil into a brittle soul--the rainy season in Japan brings two more good things: 1) tons of pink flowers, in multiple shades and varieties, and 2) the frogs. I was so happy to have finally heard frogs, I actually clapped with excitement. I couldn't walk with Meegan without stopping to catch at least five of them. Their croaking reminds me of home, and the little ones are so much fun to play with. When Meegan showed me these pictures she had taken the day before, I was so mad that I hadn't brought my own camera. Perhaps it's cliché, but this was not a set-up, and it makes me so happy. And yes, I had to show you four.
THese pictures are fantastic!! You need to blow them up, frame them, and hang them side by side somewhere you can see them all the time so as to remind you of Japan and this moment. And if you don't want to, then you can make me a present! :)
I keep coming back to these pictures because they are so beautiful.
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