04 January 2009

"Resolutions," more or less

As Christmas Eve was the only time I attended a church service in perhaps all of 2008, I decided to listen intently to the sermon. (No, the idea of a religion binge doesn't seem appropriate, but I thought I'd make the most of my time while I was there). This isn't an exact quote, but the minister shared some words from Rainer Maria Rilke that felt like they were meant for me:

~ Be patient with all that is unanswered in your heart. Try to love the questions, and gradually, you will live into the answers. ~

I thought this was a good recipe for living in the moment instead of always wondering about the future, something with which I have constant trouble. Maybe in 2009 I can settle in more, and calm down a bit.

That, strengthen and expand my social circle outside of work, and make my apartment a cozier place to be. These will all take time so if I'm mindful, maybe 2009 won't fly by.