01 August 2005

Why August 2, 2005 Will Go Down in My Personal History

  • I made my own cup of coffee this morning for the first time in my life. No Starbucks brew but hey, it's 4 dollars a bag instead of 4 dollars a cup. Real cream is 5 dollars per half pint so for now I'm sticking to the cheap creamers. But there's something to be said for waking up by yourself in your own CLEAN apartment, making your own cup of coffee, and drinking it in silence while the sun rises.
  • I also woke up to my first tatami-bug bites on the soles of my feet. Not sure what to do about that yet.
  • I got my first invitation to a Japanese person's house. In general the teachers at Fuji Higashi are extremely nice to me, so I'm lucky in that respect.

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